Real World Connection

Loops in Manufacturing
Robots are capable of doing the same task over and over by using loops. There are many advantages to having robots do repetitive tasks. Robots do not get tired, and do not need breaks (as long as they have constant power). For this reason, robots have become instrumental in manufacturing where robots can continuously do tasks which would be more difficult, or even dangerous, for humans.
An example of an industry which has benefited from robots doing repetitive tasks is the candy industry. Robots such as ABB’s Flexpicker can use a vacuum attachment to pick up hundreds of candies per minute. Robots can be programmed to exert the right amount of force for very delicate candies so they don’t get crushed. Robots on the assembly line can also use vision sensors to identify candies which are misshapen and not pick them up. Programming robots with loops can help make manufacturing, like the candy industry, more efficient.