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Remix Challenges - Part 3

Activity B: Competitive Challenge!

The goal of this activity is to use your Clawbot skills to collect several objects, one at a time, and return them to a location faster than the other groups in your class. Good luck!

Diagram illustrating the steps for Activity B: Competitive Challenge with a Clawbot. To the left are 3 empty spaces with a Clawbot positioned in front and facing the opposite direction, at a start line. To the far right is another line with three numbered objects. There are arrows indicating the movement of the Clawbot to and from the start line to retrieve each object in turn.

Here are some steps to guide your team:

  • Builder: Move your group’s objects behind the object retrieval area your teacher has established, and make sure your Clawbot has space to move without interfering with other groups.
  • Driver: List the steps the Clawbot will need to grab each object and return them to home base. Be sure to include which buttons you’ll use to accomplish this task!
  • Recorder: Write the steps the Driver lists in the engineering notebook.
  • Programmer: Using the classroom clock or a watch, keep time and report it to the Recorder.
  • Driver: Retrieve each object as quickly as you can.
  • Recorder: Record the time in your engineering notebook.

Congratulations! You have collected all three of your group’s objects, returned them to home base with your Clawbot using the Controller!

Activity C: Teamwork Challenge!

The goal of this activity is to use your Clawbot and teamwork skills in a relay race. The team will be responsible for moving an object across a three meter course in the fastest time possible.

Player 1: Pick the object and carry it to the one meter line. Drop the object.
Player 2: Pick up the object and carry from the one to the two meter line. Drop the object.
Player 3: Pick up the object and carry from the two meter line to the finish line. Drop the object in the goal area.

Diagram of the Activity C: Teamwork Challenge. At the start to the right is a Clawbot with an object behind a start line. There are three other lines spaced out to the right, and the final line reads Finish. There are arrows and other Clawbots placed at each consecutive line, indicating that the object should be passed from robot to robot until it reaches the finish.