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Dumping Hopper Accumulators

A 3D rendering showing a sequence of actions performed by a VEX robot with a claw and bin mechanism. The first frame on the left shows the claw grabbing a red ball and is labeled claw grabs object. Next, the claw with the ball is raised to drop the ball into the bin behind it. Lastly, the claw is lowered and the bin is tilted up to dump the balls out.
A robot collecting objects into a dumping hopper accumulator

Dumping Hopper Accumulators

A hopper is a large storage area in which objects are placed. With dumping hoppers, the way objects are released is different than the way they are gathered.

On this robot a claw arm picks up objects and dumps them into the hopper, then the hopper tilts back like a dump truck to score the objects in a goal.