It's a Draw! Preview
- 12-18 years old
- 410 minutes
- Beginner

Students will explore the VEX V5 Clawbot and using it as an artistic tool in a drawing game.
Key Concepts
Developing new ways of thinking, seeing, and creating.
Investigate what it means to be an artist and create drawings.
Use creativity to play and succeed in a competitive drawing game.
Apply building directions to create a robot to complete a specific task.
Create illustrations to describe specific vocabulary words.
Analyze connections between text and real life objects/shapes.
Materials needed
1 or more VEX V5 Classroom Starter Kits
Large sheets of paper or poster board, or a large dry-erase board
Black marker or dry-erase marker (Permanent marker not recommended)
Engineering notebook
Timer or Stopwatch
Printed It's A Draw cards (Google Doc / .pdf)
Facilitation Notes
- Ensure all required parts for the build are available prior to starting this STEM Lab.
Make sure there is ample space to lay the paper down that the robot will drive over during it's drawing. Taping the taper down in helpful.
The teacher can create additional cards as needed for the game.
An engineering notebook can be as simple as lined paper within a folder or binder. The notebook shown is a more sophisticated example that is available through VEX Robotics.
When drawing with the robot, make sure the flooring under the drawing page is protected.
Avoid using permanent markers when drawing with the robot.
The approximate pacing of each section of the Stem Lab is as follows: Seek- 240 minutes, Play- 60 minutes, Apply- 30 minutes, Rethink- 120 minutes, Know- 30 minutes.
Further Your Learning
Students can create new cards with additional math terms that can be used in the game.
Conduct additional research on how robotics is influencing art and write a paragraph about it.
Educational Standards
Standards for Technological Literacy (STL)
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)