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Flight Traffic Controller Challenge Solution - Blocks-based

Because loops have not yet been introduced, the following is a perfectly acceptable solution:

Sample VEXcode V5 blocks solution begins with a when started block. Next are two spin for blocks to spin the arm motor up for 90 degrees then down for 90 degrees. Next is a block to wait 3 seconds, followed by 4 spin for blocks to spin the arm motor up for 45 degrees, down for 45 degrees, up for 45 degrees, and down for 45 degrees. Next is a wait block for 5 seconds. Last are 6 spin for blocks to spin the arm motor up for 90 degrees, down for 90 degrees, up for 90 degrees, down for 90 degrees, and up for 90 degrees and down for 90 degrees.

More advanced students might use loops to simplify the solution.

Sample VEXcode V5 blocks solution begins with a when started block. Next are two spin for blocks to spin the arm motor up for 90 degrees then down for 90 degrees. Next is a block to wait 3 seconds, followed by a repeat loop set to 2 with 2 spin for blocks inside to spin the arm motor up for 45 degrees and down for 45 degrees. Next is a wait block for 5 seconds. Lastly is a repeat block set to 3 with two spin for blocks inside to spin the arm motor up for 90 degrees and down for 90 degrees.