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Package Dash Challenge - C++

Sample layout for the package dash challenge showing the loading dock in the lower left corner, three areas for can placement, and the start area in the upper right corner with a Clawbot inside it.

A grid layout of a robotic competition field showing a robot positioned in the 'Start' area on the right side. The field includes a 'Loading Dock' area on the left side and three smaller zones, each containing an image of a can placed on top of a book, distributed across the field. The zones are arranged to create a task-oriented environment where the robot may be required to interact with the objects in the smaller zones and transport them to the Loading Dock.

Package Dash Challenge

In this challenge, you will program your robot to pick up packages and bring them to a loading dock as fast as possible!

Challenge rules:

  • The robot must begin the challenge in the Start Zone.
  • The packages (aluminum cans) can only come in contact with the books, the Clawbot's claw, and the Loading Dock.
    • If a package is dropped on the warehouse ground, you must reset the field and start over again.
  • The time for each run starts as soon as the robot moves.
  • The time stops as soon as the last package is dropped in the Loading Dock.
  • When resetting the field, everything should be returned to the exact location as it started.
  • Have fun!