Meeting Consumer Needs
As more and more consumers shop online with guarantees of quick delivery, robots are being used to help fulfill the demand. The quicker customers’ requests are fulfilled after a purchase, the happier they are and the more profit the company makes. This makes using robots to assist with orders at the warehouse a great benefit. Some companies use robots to bring the shelf stacks to human workers to select the correct product, while others use robots to travel to identified areas to grab the needed items.
Robot developers are continuing to improve the process. One company is developing robotic arms that are capable of handling fragile objects without having to give the robot detailed information on the object’s size or shape. Another company is exploring “swarm robotics,” where several robots work as a team by communicating together to complete delivery tasks.
Some of the benefits of using warehouse robots instead of humans are:
- Better accuracy in selecting the correct items
- More efficient (speed)
- Reduction of utility costs like air conditioning
- Less workplace theft
- Reduction of labor cost (fewer workers needed)