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Now that you have practiced pressing the Bumper Switch on your BaseBot, it is time to compete in the One-on-One Freeze Tag challenge. Follow the steps in this document to play the One-on-One Freeze Tag challenge.


Video file

Once you have completed the One-on-One Freeze Tag challenge, check in with your teacher. Ensure you have documented the results of the challenge in your engineering notebook.

Now that you have tested all the controller configurations and played the Freeze Tag challenge, it is time to reflect on what you have learned and done in this Lesson. Start a new page in your engineering notebook to start your reflection.

Rate yourself as a noviceapprentice, or expert on each of the following concepts in your engineering notebook. Provide a brief explanation for why you gave yourself that rating for each concept:

  • How to tag another robot in the challenge
  • Driving your robot in order to avoid the Bumper Switch being tagged in the challenge
  • Communicating ideas and strategies with others in your group during this Lesson 

Use this table to help you determine which category you fall under.

Expert I feel that I fully understood the concept and could teach this to someone else.
Apprentice I feel that I understood the concept enough to compete in the challenge.
Novice I feel that I did not understand the concept and did not know how to complete the challenge.

What is Next?


Now that you have added the Bumper Switch, learned to print on the V5 Brain Screen and configured your Controller in VEXcode V5, you are ready to play Team Freeze Tag!

In the next Lesson, you will:

  • Go over the rules of the competition.
  • Improve your robot's design and driver skills using the engineering design process.
  • Compete in the Team Freeze Tag Competition.

Two TrainingBots Playing Team Freeze Tag with one Robot's Brain lighting up red, and another Robot's Brain lighting up blue


Select < Return to Lessons to go back to the Lesson Overview.

Select Next > to compete in Team Freeze Tag.