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Teacher Resources

Watch this video to learn more about V5 Learn-Practice-Compete STEM Labs, and the structure of these lessons. Reference the Facilitation Guide linked below for specific information on how to prepare and lead this STEM Lab Unit in your classroom. Beneath this video and link are additional resources available to support you as you implement the Team Freeze Tag Unit with your students.

Facilitating Team Freeze Tag

Google Doc .docx .pdf

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Getting Started

Watch this video to learn more about how to get started with this STEM Lab Unit in your classroom.

After watching the video, you can use these articles about student self-assessment and co-creating learning targets to start the conversation with your students.

Why Student Self-Assessment?

 Co-creating Learning Targets

Building Your First Robot

Follow along with this video to build V5 TrainingBot. This will provide you with helpful tips and information beyond the build instructions while you build your first robot.

You can also share this with your students if they need additional assistance while building. 

TrainingBot 3D Build Instructions - Classroom Kits

TrainingBot Parts List - Classroom Kits

Using Pseudocode

Watch this video to learn more about using pseudocode with your students to help them build a conceptual understanding of their code.

Planning and Implementation

Facilitating the Team Freeze Tag Unit

View the Facilitation Guide to find support as you facilitate each of the Lessons in this Unit. An answer key for the Check Your Understanding Questions throughout the Unit are also provided for reference while you complete the Unit with your students.

Facilitating This Unit

Google Doc .docx .pdf

Check Your Understanding Questions Answer Key

Google Doc .docx .pdf

VEX V5 Leaderboard

The VEX V5 Leaderboard is a fun and interactive tool that can be used to display and document student performance in STEM Lab Unit challenges and competitions, keeping students engaged with each other and the competition. 

Access the Leaderboard How to Use the Leaderboard

Pacing Guide

Teachers and schools desire a plan for instruction that aligns with their goals. Check out our recommendations for pacing instruction based on the school calendar, the classroom schedule, student learning needs, and combining VEX V5 with VEXcode EXP.

Cumulative Pacing Guide

Google Doc .xlsx .pdf

1:1 Pacing Guide

Google Doc .xlsx .pdf

Materials Needed

Here is a list containing everything you need to implement this V5 STEM Lab Unit into your school or classroom.

Master Materials List

Google Doc .xlsx .pdf

Standards Alignment

V5 STEM Lab Units align with Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), and Common Core Math and ELA standards. View the following sheets to see where and how these standards are reached in the Units.

View Standards


Below is the debrief conversation rubric used with students and teachers for summative assessment at the end of the Unit, as well as an article on facilitating effective debrief conversations with your students.

Debrief Conversation Rubric

Google Doc .docx .pdf

Effective Debrief Conversations

Letter Home

The Letter Home can be shared with your classroom guardians to communicate what students are doing and learning through the Team Freeze Tag Unit in the classroom, and how they can continue this learning at home. This Letter Home can also be personalized to meet your classroom community's needs.

Freeze Tag Letter Home

Google Doc .docx .pdf

Facilitation Support

Learn more about facilitating productive and meaningful conversations with students as they are building, collaborating, coding, and building resilience through the V5 STEM Lab Units, with these Knowledge Base articles.

Facilitating Engineering Conversations with Students Facilitating Coding Conversations with Students Using Pair Programming for Student Collaboration Building Resilience with Effective Feedback

iq check

Customizing Resources

The Facilitation Guide, Check Your Understanding questions, and Letter Home are available as editable Google Docs and Sheets, so you can copy and personalize them to best fit your needs. These articles will guide you through how to make a copy of these documents in your personal Google Drive, or download them for editing with Microsoft Word.

Google Drive Microsoft Word