Now it is time to compete in the Up and Over competition! In this one-on-one, driver control competition, your robot will try to score as many points as possible in your scoring zone, by moving colored Buckyballs up and over the barrier on the Field. The robot with the most points in their scoring zone at the end of the 60-second match wins! Watch the video below to learn the process you can use to apply all the things you have previously learned to the Up and Over competition.
Understanding the Rules
Up and Over takes place as a 60-second match, where the goal is to drive your robot to pick up and move Buckyballs to your scoring zone, to accumulate the most points at the end of the match.
You and your team can apply the engineering design process to your robot and your driving strategy to maximize your score.
There are many strategies you can use to compete successfully in the Up and Over competition. Watch this animation to see one example of Up and Over game play in action!
In the animation, the Field is divided into two sides that are set up symmetrically, with a barrier in the center of the Field. Each side begins with six Buckyballs set up in a pyramid shape extending from the walls to the center of the left and right side. There is a Clawbot on each side, positioned against the wall, between the barrier and the Buckyballs. When the match starts, the robots are driven to pick up and move Buckyballs to drop them over the central barrier onto their opponent's side of the Field. At the end of the match, the points for each side are totaled, and the left side wins with a score of 16 to 8.
Check Your Understanding
Before moving on to the next video, ensure that you understand the rules of the competition by answering the questions in the document below in your engineering notebook.
Check Your Understanding questions
Applying the Engineering Design Process
Watch this video about the engineering design process to see how to walk through the steps to continue to develop and iterate on your game strategy, driver strategy, or robot design for the Up and Over competition.
Collaborative Decision-Making
As you work through the engineering design process, you will need to communicate with your team members. Watch this video to see examples of good communication that you can use while you make decisions with your team.
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