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Act happy
Coder card that makes the 123 Robot perform a sequence of behaviors to show happy.
Act crazy
Coder card that makes the 123 Robot perform a sequence of behaviors to show crazy.
Act sad
Coder card that makes the 123 Robot perform a sequence of behaviors to show sad.
A feeling, that can be expressed by facial expressions and body language.
Actions performed by a robot, defined by the programming language.
A state of enjoying well-being and contentment
A state of feeling of grief or unhappiness.
A state of being tired or annoyed by being uninterested.
A state of being upset because of being unable to do or complete something.
A state of being glad that something has (or has not) happened, or that something or someone exists.

Encouraging Vocabulary Usage

General notes on encouraging vocabulary usage with young children:

  • The goal of introducing new vocabulary to young children, is to have them begin to incorporate new words naturally into their conversations and explorations; not to simply memorize vocabulary. Reinforce vocabulary throughout daily activities. Look for opportunities to have emotion check-ins during the day such as at the beginning of an activity or when wrapping up. Use varied and complex feeling words to help students develop powerful feeling vocabularies.
A VEX 123 character

Tips for Encouraging Vocabulary Usage