Lesson 2: Mini Challenge
For this mini challenge, create a project where the VR Robot navigates the Disk Maze Playground from start to finish using the Front Eye Sensor. Use the [Wait until] and <Color sensing> blocks to instruct the VR Robot to drive up to each disk at least once, before driving to the red disk to finish the challenge. For this challenge, the VR Robot must:
- Drive up to each disk at least once.
- Turn right if the Front Eye Sensor detects a green disk.
- Turn left if a blue disk is detected.
Stop at the red disk.
Follow these steps to complete the mini challenge:
Watch the solution video below to see how the VR Robot should drive in order to complete the mini challenge.
- Create a project by adding or removing the necessary blocks to the Unit7Lesson2 project. Remember that you may use VEXcode blocks, Switch blocks, or a combination of both block types as you solve the challenge.
- Start the project to test it.
- If the project is not successful, edit and try again. Continue to revise and run the project until the VR Robot successfully navigates the Disk Maze Playground from start to finish, driving to each disk once.
- Save the project once the VR Robot successfully navigates the Disk Maze Playground from start to finish.
Congratulations! You solved the mini challenge!