In the last section, you learned about active and passive manipulators and how they can be designed to manipulate objects. Now you are going to apply what you have learned to iterate on the current Clawbot design in order to move Buckyballs efficiently in the Manipulators practice activity!
In this activity, you will practice moving Buckyballs from the center of the Field through the goal at the end of the Field. You will iterate on the current claw manipulator design, or create a new one to maximize your ability to move Buckyballs through the goal.
Watch the video below to see how you can apply what you have learned to complete the Manipulators practice activity.
Now it's your turn to complete the Manipulators practice activity!
In this animation, a Controller is used to drive the robot to move the Buckyballs from the center of the Field through the goal at the opposite end of the Field. This animation shows just one possible way of moving the Buckyballs. You will iterate and improve upon your manipulator build as you complete the Manipulators practice activity.
Use this document as a reference to complete the practice activity. Google / .docx / .pdf
As you complete the practice activity, document your designs and testing in your engineering notebook:
- Observations on how well the robot initially moves the Buckyballs to the goal.
- The original design of your manipulator.
- How did you iterate on this design to improve your robot's performance in the practice activity?
See the image on the left for an example of how you can record your design ideas and tests.
Prepare for the Challenge
In Compete (on the next page), you will put your manipulator design to the test when you compete in One-on-One Robot Soccer. Learn how to compete in the challenge, check your understanding, then practice for the challenge.
The goal of this challenge is to use the Controller to drive your robot to score the most goals in 60 seconds.
Watch this animation to see how to compete in the One-on-One Robot Soccer Challenge.
Follow the steps in this document to learn more about how to complete this challenge. Google / .docx / .pdf
Check Your Understanding
Before beginning the challenge, ensure that you understand the rules and set up by answering the questions in the document below in your engineering notebook.
Check Your Understanding questions Google / .docx / .pdf
After completing the questions, practice for the challenge.
Select Next > to compete in the One-on-One Robot Soccer Challenge.