Implementing VEX GO STEM Labs
STEM Labs are designed to be the online teacher’s manual for VEX GO. Like a printed teacher’s manual, the teacher-facing content of the STEM Labs provides all of the resources, materials, and information needed to be able to plan, teach, and assess with VEX GO. The Lab Image Slideshows are the student-facing companion to this material. For more detailed information about how to implement a STEM Lab in your classroom, see the Implementing VEX GO STEM Labs article.
Goals and Standards
Students will apply
- How to accurately write and represent fractions, with a numerator and denominator, as parts of a whole.
Students will make meaning of
- What the numerator and denominator of a fraction indicate.
- How equivalent fractions are related numerically.
Students will be skilled at
- Using different kinds of connectors effectively in a build.
- Identifying the numerator and denominator of a fraction.
- Explaining a visual representation of a fraction, or a comparison, in words.
Students will know
- How fractions relate to whole numbers.
- How to identify and compare two fractions for equivalency.
- Identify a numerator and denominator and describe how they relate to a whole.
- Describe a fractional equivalent in words related to size and number.
- Students will write and represent whole numbers as fractions (3/3; 6/6; etc.) to visually identify the part-whole relationship in a fraction during Play Part 1.
- Students will write and represent fractional equivalents to visually and verbally explain the connection between two equal fractions during Play Part 2 and Share.
- Students will identify that the denominator is the total number of pieces in the whole and the numerator is the number of pieces in the fraction, as they explain their whole number equivalent fractions in discussion.
- Students will explain how they compared their fractions using the VEX GO pieces and their written work to describe fractional equivalents by size.