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Robo Rally Preview

  • 12 - 18 years old
  • 45 minutes - 4 hrs, 35 min
  • Beginner
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Students are asked to use proportional reasoning and scale to design a racecourse for the Speedbot.

Key Concepts

  • Mathematical Reasoning

  • Proportional Reasoning

  • Iterative Design


  • Create a racecourse by planning with scaled drawings.

  • Analyze relationships between scaled measurements.

  • Practice converting units.

  • Understand the use of scales and proportional reasoning.

Materials needed

  • 1 or more VEX V5 Classroom Starter Kits

  • Roll of Tape

  • Meter Stick or Ruler

  • Calculator

  • Engineering Notebook

  • Stopwatch

  • Multiple boxes

  • 3-Ring Binders

Facilitation Notes

  • Ensure all required parts for the build are available prior to starting this STEM Lab.

  • Although the V5 Robot Brain is included in the build of the VEX V5 Speedbot, no programming is required.

  • Make sure that there is ample space in the classroom to measure out and tape the field area for the racecourse that will be used.

  • Providing a set space to create a racecourse within can help expedite initial decisions for the design area.

  • An engineering notebook can be as simple as lined paper within a folder or binder. The notebook shown is a more sophisticated example that is available through VEX Robotics.

  • During the iterative design process prior to the challenge, teams should be testing the accuracy of their measurements and mathematical conversions.

  • The approximate pacing of each section of the Stem Lab is as follows: Seek- 125 minutes, Play- 85 minutes, Apply- 15 minutes, Rethink- 45 minutes, Know- 5 minutes.

Further Your Learning


  • Add other items to the physical racecourse, based on scale. Some items could include, stands, a press box, concession stand, trees, benches, etc.

  • Draw a map of the school campus or other well-know location in the school community with the correct scale.

Social Studies

  • Look at various maps to compare the scales used. Have the students create their own set of questions and then trade with each other to solve.

  • Research how cartographers use technology to help create more accurate maps.

Educational Standards

Standards for Technological Literacy (STL)

  • 4.E

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

  • HS-ETS1-2

  • HS-ETS1-3

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

  • RST.9-10.3

  • RST.11-12.3

  • HSN.Q.A.1

  • HSA.CED.A.1

  • MP.4

  • MP.5

  • MP.6



Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

  • 126.40.c.1

  • 111.39.c.1