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Implementing VEX 123 STEM Labs

STEM Labs are designed to be the online teacher’s manual for VEX 123. Like a printed teacher’s manual, the teacher-facing content of the STEM Labs provides all of the resources, materials, and information needed to be able to plan, teach, and assess with VEX 123. The Lab Image Slideshows are the student-facing companion to this material. For more detailed information about how to implement a STEM Lab in your classroom, see the Implementing VEX 123 STEM Labs article.

Goals and Standards


Students will apply

  • How to create and start a VEXcode 123 project that makes the 123 Robot move forward, backward, and turn.
  • How to create and test a project that has the 123 Robot drive to and from multiple sites.
  • Drivetrain blocks in the correct sequence to create a project to solve a challenge.

Students will make meaning of

  • How to solve a challenge with the 123 Robot and VEXcode 123.

Students will be skilled at

  • Waking the 123 Robot.
  • Connecting the 123 Robot to VEXcode 123.
  • Adding VEXcode 123 blocks to a project.
  • Sequencing blocks in a project.
  • Using Drivetrain blocks in a project to have the 123 Robot drive to a specific location.
  • Changing parameters in VEXcode blocks.
  • Starting a project in VEXcode 123.

Students will know

  • How scientists use rovers to collect and bury samples of soil and rock for future collection, in order to study changes on Mars over time.
  • How to use VEXcode 123 with the 123 Robot to solve a challenge.



  1. Students will develop a VEXcode 123 project that orders behaviors in a sequence to complete a challenge.
  2. Students will communicate behaviors, through words and gestures, that the 123 Robot will need to complete in order to accomplish a task.


  1. In the Engage section, students will follow along with the teacher as they build a project to collect and “bury” the first sample together. In Play Part 1, students will create and test a VEXcode 123 project that has the 123 Robot drive to collect two samples. In Play Part 2, they will add to their project to have the 123 Robot collect a third sample.  Students can choose the order in which the 123 Robot drives to collect the samples.
  2. Students will describe how the 123 Robot moves forward, backward, and turns in order to drive to collect a sample as they build a project in the Engage demonstration. In the Play sections, students will describe how to move the 123 Robot to collect multiple samples and return them to the base as they add to their projects.


  1. Students will create a project that successfully sequences Drivetrain blocks to move the 123 Robot to collect two Mars soil samples in Play Part 1. In Play Part 2, students will successfully add to their projects to have the 123 Robot collect a third sample. In Share, students can demonstrate their projects and discuss how they ordered the blocks in the project to complete the challenge.
  2. In the Mid-Play Break, students will discuss how they ordered the blocks in their project. In the Share section, students discuss their projects using words and gestures to show how the 123 Robot moved.

Connections to Standards