Show Your Learning
Active Share
Have students share their projects, and show the class how they drove the 123 Robot from the start to all three animals. Talk about how the projects are similar and different from one another, and highlight the different ways students found to accomplish the same task.
Discussion Prompts
Digital Documentation
Take photos of students as they are working on their project planning, building, and testing and share them with your classroom and school community to show the 'behind the scenes' of coding the 123 Robot. Aside from just making the robot drive the intended path, sharing images of the process can also show other measures of success and learning like turn taking, collaboration, spatial reasoning, and more.
Student-Driven Visible Thinking
Collect the Coder and motion planning printables and post them in the classroom. Students can refer to these when they are planning future projects, or try out another group's project for themselves. Over time, students can have an archive of projects that they can use to share their learning with their families and the school community.
Metacognition-Reflecting Together
- What is your favorite part of coding with the Coder and Coder cards? How is that similar or different to what you liked about coding with Touch buttons?
- If someone visited our classroom who didn't know what the Coder and Coder cards were, how would you explain how they work?
- What is one thing that you did that helped your group successfully code your robot today, that you want to remember and do the next time we code our robots with the Coder?
- What are three things you see or hear when you are coding with the Coder and Coder cards that help you learn?