- Numerator
- The top number of a fraction; indicates the number of pieces of the whole in that fraction.
- Denominator
- The bottom number of a fraction; indicates the total number of pieces that make a whole in that fraction.
- Connector
- The parts of the VEX GO Kit that create a right angle connection between two other pieces.
- Equivalent
- Equal in value.
- Like (Common) Denominator
- Having the same number in the bottom of two or more fractions.
- Like (Common) Numerator
- Having the same number in the top of two or more fractions.
- Whole
- A value of “1”; the total number of pieces to equal a whole number.
Encouraging Vocabulary Usage
The following are additional ways to facilitate vocabulary usage as students are engaged in the activities throughout this Unit.
Students should be encouraged to use the vocabulary terms:
- Throughout all of the activities
- As they are working in groups
- As they are reflecting
- As they are sharing their knowledge and experience
Tips for Encouraging Vocabulary Usage
Explain with correct terminology: As children explain and describe their strategies for figuring out fractions and their equivalents, positively reinforce correct usage of vocabulary words. For instance, encourage phrasing like “the numerator is 6, and the denominator is 6, so 6/6 is 1 whole”; as opposed to “it has 6 on top and on the bottom so they match.”
Create a Vocabulary Relay Race: Each member of the team must use a vocabulary word in context during the day. Add to the excitement by offering “bonus points” for correct in context usage during other class periods, and keep a visual tracker of each team’s progress on the board. Encourage students to listen for the vocabulary and to highlight one another’s contributions, so everyone becomes invested in the process.