Lab 1 - Kit Introduction
Main Focus Question: What is the VEX GO Kit?
- Students will explore the VEX GO Kits, in order to prepare them for safe, organized and effective use of the materials for future builds.
- Students will identify the VEX GO pieces and their features, in order to identify how they function in a build.
- Students will gain an understanding of best practices in taking care of their kits.
- Students will be introduced to the concept of "builds" in VEX GO robotics projects.
Lab 2 - NASA Flagpole
Main Focus Question: What are pins, standoffs, and the Pin Tool?
- Students will continue to explore the VEX GO Kits by working together to build the tallest, free-standing flagpole. They will practice manipulating the plastic pieces with regard to attaching and detaching them and maneuvering the pins and standoffs.
- While students are working in groups, they will share their ideas using spatial language.
- Students will develop design and building skills through the construction of a flagpole to be placed on the surface of Mars.
Lab 3 - Launch Pad
Main Focus Question: What are plates and beams?
- Students will gain skills in building using beams and plates as well as explore the concept of stability and balance.
- Students will be tasked with building an aerospace launch pad to act as a bridge. They will bridge the gap from one GO Tile to another.
- Students will design and discuss using spatial language and then iterate on their build.
Lab 4 - Spaceship
Main Focus Question: What are connectors?
- Students will continue to gain experience with the VEX GO Kits by constructing a spaceship for their Astronaut using connectors.
- Using the Engineering Design Process, students will design and build two spaceships, the first where the Astronaut is exposed and then a second where the Astronaut is enclosed.
- Students will communicate their designs through labelled sketches of their build and the use of spatial language.
Lab 5 - Mars Buggy
Main Focus Question: What are wheels, axles, and gears?
- Students will learn to manipulate wheels, axles, and gears through the design and construction of a Mars Buggy vehicle.
- Students will design and build a functional Mars Buggy using wheels and axles from the VEX GO Kit. Students will use the Engineering Design Process to plan, build, and test their initial design.
- Students will be exposed to physical gear pieces and experiment with how they can be incorporated into their build. Students will engage in spatial reasoning to envision the movement between gear pieces.
Lab 6 - Mars Base Build
Main Focus Question: How do I use multiple VEX GO plastic pieces strategically?
- Students will advance their understanding of building from previous Labs by creating a base on Mars using the VEX GO Kit.
- Students will be asked to create a Mars Base considering certain criteria and the constraint of only using materials from the VEX GO Kit . They will use the Engineering Design Process to iterate on their Mars Base.
- Students will work in groups and communicate their ideas using spatial language through diagrams and discussions.