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Coordinate Plane
A coordinate plane is a two-dimensional plane formed by the intersection of a vertical line called y-axis and a horizontal line called x-axis.
A point is an exact location. It has no size, only position.
A graph divided into four sections.
A number in an ordered pair that names the location of a point on the coordinate plane.
Drawings that show mathematical information  with lines, shapes, and colors. Graphs are also known as charts.
Authentic Problem
Projects that students complete that are real to them compared to assignments that do not resemble any kind of work that would be completed outside a school environment.

Encouraging Vocabulary Usage

The following are additional ways to facilitate vocabulary usage as students are engaged in the activities throughout this Unit.

Students should be encouraged to use the vocabulary terms:

  • Throughout all of the activities
  • As they are working in groups
  • As they are reflecting
  • As they are sharing their knowledge and experience

Tips for Encouraging Vocabulary Usage