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Pacing Guide

This unit should be implemented to supplement student learning on the concepts of coordinate planes in mathematics.

STEM Labs can be adapted in various ways to fit into any classroom or learning environment. Each STEM Lab includes the following 3 sections: Engage, Play, and Share (optional).

Each STEM Lab in this unit can be completed in as little as 40 minutes

Section Summary

The Engage and Play sections, which contain the primary learning activities, can be completed within 40 minutes. The Share section, which enables students to express their learning is optional, but estimated at around 3-5 minutes per group.

Click on the tabs below to view descriptions of the Engage, Play, and Share sections of the STEM Lab.

The Pacing Guide

The pacing guide for each Lab provides step-by-step instructions on What, How, and When to teach. The STEM Lab Pacing Guide previews the concepts that are taught in each section (Engage, Play, and Share (optional)), explains how the section is delivered, and identifies all the materials that are needed.

Making This Unit Fit Your Unique Classroom Needs

Not every classroom is the same, and teachers face a variety of implementation challenges throughout the year. While each VEX GO STEM Lab follows a predictable format, there are things that you can do in this Unit to help make it easier to meet those challenges when they arise.

  • Implementing in less time:
    • This Unit can be completed in less time by introducing the coordinate plane with the game board and playing one round of the game as a whole-class demonstration. Then, have students start playing the Battle Boat game right away. During the demonstration, ensure students can identify the X and Y Axes, and understand that the X coordinate is first in an ordered pair, then check for understanding as they play the game.
  • Reteaching Strategies:
    • For additional support to help students visualize the X and Y Axes and plot points on the coordinate plane, project Slide 9 of the Image Slideshow (Google / .pptx / .pdf). This image can be printed and accessible to students throughout the Lab as well.
    • For extra practice with plotting points and ordered pairs, have students reset their game board, and write down the coordinates of their boats as a list. Remind students that for the game, the X-coordinate (1-5) is first, and the Y-coordinate (A-E) is second. To connect this to plotting points on a graph, have students use graph paper and plot their Battle Boats coordinates on an X-Y axis.
  • Extending this Unit: 
    • You can extend this Unit to have students design a new game using VEX GO Pieces with the VEX Pin Game Activity (Google / .docx / .pdf).
    • Have students complete the Copycat! Activity (Google / .docx / .pdf) to provide an additional opportunity for students to play a game with VEX GO Pieces. 
    • Use the Choice Board activities to extend the Unit, while allowing students to express their voice and choice in what activities they want to complete.
  • If students get done building at different times, there are a number of meaningful learning activities early finishers can participate in as the rest of the group finishes building. View this article for several suggestions about how to plan for engaging students who finish building earlier than others. From establishing classroom helper routines to completing short activities, there are many ways to keep all students engaged throughout class building time.