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Part 1 - Step by Step

  1. Instruct Instruct students that they are going to design and build a spaceship for their Astronaut. Instruct each group to use their Engineering Design Process Organizer to plan how they will use the pieces (including the connectors) in their VEX GO Kits to create a build where the Astronaut is exposed.
    • Have each group start by filling out the top part of the Engineering Design Process Organizer that defines the problem. Ask students what is the problem they are trying to solve?
    • Groups should then follow the arrow to the next part of the Engineering Design Process Organizer to plan and design a solution. Instruct groups to sketch ideas for their spaceship and label the pieces on their sketch.

      Blank Engineering Design Process Organizer, with three spaces for students to write notes and draw sketches. The first space is titled Ask question and define problem, the second space is titled Plan and design solution, and the third space is titled Test and improve. Arrows indicate that this is a cycle that repeats.
  2. Model Model using a group’s setup how to attach and remove the connectors from a build. Also model how to record the build design in the Engineering Design Process Organizer. Watch the animation below to see an example of how to attach and remove a red connector.

    Video file
  3. Facilitate Facilitate as each group begins to build their structure.
    • Builders will be doing the construction, and journalists will be recording the design.
    • Students should take turns sharing ideas with one another on how to best connect the pieces.
    • Ask the Journalist about how the pieces are connecting to keep them involved in the building process.

      Example completed spaceship build with the astronaut exposed and held down by a seat belt.
      Spaceship with Astronaut Exposed
  4. Remind Remind groups to think about how the Astronaut will be positioned inside their spaceship. Ask them how they think Astronauts are positioned in real spaceships. As groups change their designs, remind the Journalists to also make these additions/changes on their Engineering Design Process Organizer.
  5. Ask Ask students how the Astronaut will be secured inside their spaceship? Will they be standing or sitting? How can they incorporate some sort of safety bar or seatbelt for their Astronaut with the pieces in the kit?

Optional: If students are unable to answer a question in the moment, encourage them to use a portion of their Engineering Design Process Organizer to keep track of questions to ask at the mid-play break.

Mid-Play Break & Group Discussion

As soon as every group has created their spaceship, come together for a brief conversation.

  • What did your group find to be most challenging while building the spaceship? 
  • What problems might there be with sending our Astronaut to space when they are exposed? How can we fix these problems for our Astronaut? 
    • Encourage students to use spatial language descriptions when discussing how to change the spaceship to enclose the Astronaut. 
    • Ask students to be specific with their ideas for fixes. 
      • What pieces can we use to fix these problems? 
      • Where would they go? (left, right, above, behind, in front of)
  • Ask students to record their desired changes on the Engineering Design Process Organizer.

Part 2 - Step by Step

  1. InstructInstruct each group to modify their original design to ensure the Astronaut is enclosed within the spaceship. Each group will document the changes to their build on their Engineering Design Process Organizer.

    Example completed spaceship build with the astronaut enclosed by a door that can open and close using a hinge.
    Spaceship with Astronaut Enclosed


  2. ModelModel using a group’s build, how to modify the build to enclose the Astronaut, and sketch ideas in their Engineering Design Process Organizer.
  3. FacilitateFacilitate the second round of building as you circle the classroom. Ask students about this version of their build.
    • Why did your group put that piece in that position?
    • How many pins did your group use?
    • What parts of your build enclose the Astronaut?
    • Is this design larger or smaller than your first design? Why is that?
  4. RemindRemind groups to consider the criteria and constraints presented to them in the second build. Remind students to document the changes to their build on their Engineering Design Process Organizer.
  5. AskAsk students how they think the enclosed version will change their usage of materials.
    • Will they need extra plates? Different pieces? More connectors?
    • How does this change their original design?