Launch the Engage Section
ACTS is what the teacher will do and ASKS is how the teacher will facilitate.
students that they are going to use the 123 Robot and a number line to solve addition equations. Let students know that first they will watch either a demonstration or an animation. Afterward, they will follow along with the teacher to practice using the 123 Robot and the number line together to solve an equation.
Once they have practiced with the teacher, they will work with their group to solve an equation on their own!
- First, demonstrate how to wake the 123 Robot as shown in the animation below. In the animation, a hand pushes the 123 Robot forward. The robot makes a beeping sound, and the light in the center of the robot glows off and on, indicating the robot is awake. For more information about how to use the 123 Robot, see the Using the VEX 123 Robot VEX Library article.
Video file- Then, demonstrate the steps or show the animation below to illustrate how the 123 Robot will move on the number line to solve the equation 2+4=6. Highlight the following:
- You will press the Move button 4 times for the number being added in the equation.
- The 123 Robot is placed on the first number (2).
- Then, it will move the number of spaces equal to the second number (4).
- If done correctly, it will land on the sum (6).
Video file -
123 Robots to each group.
- If using shared number lines made with 123 Fields, assign each group to a number line. You may choose to set up all group number lines before the Lab to save time.
Number Line on a123 Field - If you would like students to practice writing their numbers, model how to write the numbers 1-9 in the middle squares of the 123 Field with Dry Erase markers. Then, have students create their number lines.
an inquiry-based discussion about how the robot moves along the number line. Ask open-ended questions directed at what the students observed in the demonstration.
- How do you think the robot knows how far to move? What do you see that makes you say that?
- Which direction does it move? Why do you think this is important?
- OfferOffer positive reinforcement for students showing good listening skills, and taking turns sharing their ideas.

Teacher Troubleshooting
- Remind students to shake the 123 Robot after each math equation to clear the previous addition equation.
- Ensure that the 123 Robot is facing forward before starting the addition problem. The white arrow on the 123 Robot should be correctly lined up with the arrow on the 123 Field.

Facilitation Strategies
- During the environment setup, you can set up each group’s number line with 123 Fields and the dry erase markers, or have the students write in the numbers to give them more practice creating a number line and writing numbers.
- Tailor the addition equations given to the students in the classroom. Depending on their previous experience with math equations and number lines, students will have differing abilities and familiarity with addition.
- If some groups seem to catch on quicker, have them begin combining addition equations to make multi-step equations in the Play sections.
- Use printables as manipulative to support project planning - See the printable resources available in the VEX Library, and use them with students as they are planning and building their touch projects. You could cut out the touch button symbols and have students lay them out on their desk as they build their projects, or use the color-in sheet for students to color in the sequence of button presses in their projects.