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In the last section, you learned about using autonomous and Driver Control programs to drive your robot. You also learned how to download multiple projects to different slots on the EXP Brain and how this can be useful. Now, you are going to apply what you have learned to complete the Scoring Skills practice activity.

The goal of this activity is for your robot to score two rings on a medium post in two 30-second runs: one driver control, and one autonomous. Watch the video below to see how you can apply what you have learned to complete the Scoring Skills practice activity.

Now it's your turn to complete the Scoring Skills practice activity!

In this animation, the robot first autonomously collects and scores two rings on the medium post in 30 seconds. Then, it shows the driver control run where the robot scores both rings in 30 seconds. Watch this animation to see a possible path your robot could take to complete the Scoring Skills practice activity.

In the video below, the Clawbot is on the left side of the field, facing a middle-sized post attached in the center of the Field Tile, four rows away from the robot near the right wall. There are two Rings on the field. The first one is against the top Field Wall between the second and third tiles, and the second one is directly opposite the first one, against the bottom Field wall. There is a stopwatch above the Field set at 30 seconds, along with a Brain icon showing that this is the autonomous part of the challenge. The video starts with a countdown from three, and the Clawbot moves to pick up one Ring at a time, placing them on the post. The stopwatch stops, showing  a time of 13:24. The icon then switches to a Controller and the stopwatch resets, signifying a driver control run. The Clawbot drives to pick up and place both rings on the post with 6:04 seconds remaining on the clock.


Follow the steps in this document to complete this activity. Google / .docx / .pdf

As you complete the Scoring Skills practice activity, document your findings in your engineering notebook.

  • Sketch a picture to show how your robot should move to complete each trial. 
  • List the steps needed to complete the activity for both runs: driver control and autonomous.
  • As you run your project, take notes on how you could improve the code or your driver control strategy.
  • Document the changes you make after each iteration.

View this image for an example of how you can record your results.

Two notebook pages side by side, titled "Lesson 4 Practice." Each page has a similar sketch of the game field including a Clawbot, two rings, and a scoring post, and below them are sections of notes titled "Steps for Driver Control" and "Steps for Autonomous".

Prepare for the Challenge

In Compete (on the next page), you will grab, move and score Rings on a medium post as quickly as possible by playing a match with two 30-second runs - one autonomous and one using driver control -  in the Split Decision Challenge. Look at the document and animation below to learn how to compete in the Split Decision Challenge. Then complete the Check Your Understanding Questions and practice for the challenge.

The goal of this challenge is to grab, move and score four rings on a medium pole in the fastest time in two runs - one using autonomous coding, and one using driver control.

In the video below, the Clawbot is on the left side of the field. There are four Rings on the field. Near the top of the field, the first one between the second and third tiles, the second one between third and forth tile. Near the bottom of the field, the third one between the second and third tiles, the forth one between third and forth tiles. There is a single post in the middle of the field, towards the right side. The video starts with a countdown: 3, 2, 1. The Clawbot drives to the second and third tiles and then moves up towards the first Ring, picking it up. It then backs up and raises its claw. Next, it drives to the post and releases the claw, letting the Ring fall onto the post. Then the video has a cut when three of the four Rings are in place of the post. The Clawbot backs up and lowers the claw, picked up the forth Ring. Then it shifted to the driver control run. The video starts with a countdown: 3, 2, 1. The Clawbot drives to the second and third tiles and then moves up towards the first Ring, picking it up. It then backs up and raises its claw. Next, it drives to the post and releases the claw, letting the Ring fall onto the post. Then the video has a cut when three of the four Rings are in place of the post. The Clawbot backs up and lowers the claw, trying to pick up the second Ring, but the time ran out. The final score is Autonomous Score 9 and the Driver Control Score 9 with a total score of 18.

This is just one example of how a robot could perform in the Split Decision challenge activity.

Follow the steps in this document to learn more about how to complete this activity. Google / .docx / .pdf

Video file

Check Your Understanding

Before beginning the challenge, ensure that you understand the rules and setup of the challenge by answering the questions in the document below in your engineering notebook.

Check Your Understanding questions Google / .docx / .pdf

After completing the questions, try practicing the challenge.

Select Next > to compete in the Split Decision challenge.