Lab 1 - Remote Control Robot
Main Focus Question: How do I drive the Code Base using the Drive mode in VEXcode GO?
- Students will build the Code Base 2.0 and drive it using the Drive (remote control) mode in VEXcode GO. Students begin by talking about the concept of remote controls and how they are used in their everyday lives. Then they make the connection to using a remote control with a robot, and build the Code Base.
- In Play Part 1, students will connect their VEX GO Brain to their device, and will practice remote control driving the Code Base using the Drive mode. During the Mid-Play Break, students will engage in a conversation about the features of the Drive tab, and the teacher will highlight the timer and show how it is used.
- In Play Part 2, students will apply their driving practice to engage in a timed trial competition using the timer and the Drive controls to navigate a slalom course in the shortest possible time.
Lab 2 - Code and Drive
Main Focus Question: How do I code the Code Base to drive and make turns?
- Students will prepare to code the Code Base to navigate the slalom course (from Lab 1) using Drivetrain commands in VEXcode GO. Students will begin by discussing accuracy and repeatability of driving by reflecting on remote control driving the Code Base in Lab 1 using the Drive tab in VEXcode GO.
- Students will use the example project ‘Drivetrain Moves and Turns’ to observe the movement behaviors of the Code Base, as well as experiment with changing parameters to see how those changes affect the movement of the Code Base.
- Students will use the blocks they learned about from the example project and create a new project that moves the Code Base through the beginning of the slalom course used in Lab 1. They will discuss differences in navigating the course with the Drive tab in VEXcode GO versus coding.
Lab 3 - Using the LED Bumper
Main Focus Question: What is the LED Bumper and what does it do?
- Students will build the Code Base 2.0 - LED Bumper Top, and explore the two functions of the LED Bumper. Students will begin by talking about about what a sensor is, recalling real life examples of sensors and the data they collect. The teacher will then show the LED Bumper, and explain what its two functions are.
- In Play Part 1, students will explore the color changing function using the 'Using the LED Bumper' example project. Students will start the project and observe what it does. They will change the pattern of the colors by adding/removing blocks to the example project.
- During the Mid-Play Break, students will discuss the bumper part of the LED Bumper. What possible uses are there for the LED Bumper? How does it work? In Play Part 2, students will use the 'Wait until Push' example project to observe how pressing the LED Bumper can cause the Code Base to drive forward. They will then add blocks to that project to cause the Code Base to perform different actions when the LED Bumper is pressed.
Lab 4 - Color Disk Maze
Main Focus Question: What is the Eye Sensor and what can it do?
- Students will build the Code Base 2.0 - Eye Forward and explore how the Eye Sensor’s object and color detection can be used. To begin, the teacher will introduce the Monitor window and do a live demo of Eye Sensor data reporting in the Monitor window. The teacher will select the Eye Sensor blocks and place different colored objects, so students can observe how the data changes in real time.
- In Play Part 1, students will use the 'Avoiding Obstacles' example project to prevent the Code Base from bumping into a wall. During the Mid-Play Break, students will talk about how the Eye Sensor can also detect color, and possible uses for color detection, including color coding as cause and effect (Detect green - turn right).
- In Play Part 2, students will use code and the Eye Sensor to navigate the Code Base through the color disk maze from start to finish based on the color of the Disk it detects.