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Launch the Engage Section

ACTS is what the teacher will do and ASKS is how the teacher will facilitate.

  1. Display the letter from Vexville citizen Mrs. Irma Bea Nebby.
  2. Share the Bridge Safety Criteria from the Bridge Inspection Report for students to review.
  3. Use the Bridge Safety Criteria to guide students to tell you that although the data they have so far suggests the bridge may be unsafe, they still need more information to fully determine if the bridge is safe or not.
  4. Draw students' attention to the Hue Value Information and Size of the Crack sections of the Bridge Safety Criteria. Guide them to tell you they still need to determine the approximate size of the crack on the bridge and use that information along with the location of the crack to determine if the bridge is unsafe.
  5. Show students the bar graph in the Bridge Inspection Reports, and ask students how they might discover the size of the bridge crack.
  1. Remind students about the claim that a bridge in Vexville has a dangerous crack in it.
  2. What have you learned so far from the data you collected about the bridge? How does that data tell you there is a crack in the bridge?
  3. According to the Bridge Safety Criteria, do we now have enough information to determine if the bridge is unsafe?
  4. What additional information do we need to determine if the claim is true or not? 
  5. How do you think we might use the distance data we collected to find out the approximate size of the crack on the bridge?

Getting the Students Ready to Build

In order to analyze our data to determine if the claim about the bridge is true, we will need to use the data in the Bridge Inspection Reports that we began in the previous Lab.


Facilitate the Build

  1. InstructInstruct students that they are going to be continuing to work with the data they collected in Lab 2. Students do not need to construct a new build for this Lab.
  2. DistributeDistribute each group's Bridge Inspection Report, making sure each group has a complete set of data from running the Printing Data VEXcode GO project from Lab 2.
    • Each group's Bridge Inspection Report should have the Graph the Data and Data Points of the Crack section filled out.
  3. FacilitateFacilitate students' gathering data using the project from Lab 2, if they do not have a completed their graph in their Bridge Inspection Report.

    You may want to have a setup from Play Part 1 of Lab 2 ready for students to use. You will need a Code Base with Eye Sensor facing up, a bridge setup, and the Printing Data project open in VEXcode GO. Refer to Lab 2 for more information about how to run the project and record the data. 

    Lab 2 bridge setup with the bridge tile position with the beam side downwards and placed across the tops of two stacks of three GO Kit boxes, making a tunnel. The Code Base with the Eye Sensor facing upwards is positioned with the front of the robot just under the Bridge Tile, ready to drive forward.
    Lab 2 Bridge Setup with Code Base
  4. OfferOffer help as needed to ensure that all students have their started Bridge Inspection Reports and are ready to continue completing them.

Teacher Troubleshooting

Facilitation Strategies

  • You may want to provide some sample graphs to use with students for whole group practice with calculating the size of the bridge crack before they use their own data to do so, depending on students' level of subtraction experience.
  • Have students take turns reading and recording data on the fourth page of their Bridge Inspection Report, so all students have an opportunity to engage with the data.