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In the Learn section, you learned about path planning and coding a drivetrain, including adjusting velocity and measuring angles for turns. Now, you are going to apply what you have learned to code your BaseBot to complete the Cube Sweeper practice activity.

In this activity, you will code your robot to push both IQ Cubes completely off the Field. You will iterate on your project so your robot can sweep the Field and remove both cubes. Watch the video below to see how you can apply what you have learned to complete the Cube Sweeper practice activity.

Now it is your turn to complete the Cube Sweeper practice activity!

This animation shows one possible way your robot could move to complete the Cube Sweeper practice activity by pushing both cubes off of the Field. The Field has a green cube in the upper right and a red cube in the upper left corner. The BaseBot begins at the middle back of the Field, drives forward to the center, turns towards the green cube, and pushes it off. It then reverses back to the center, turns towards the red cube, drives forward, and pushes it off.

Use this document as a reference to complete the practice activity.

Google / .docx / .pdf

Video file

As you complete the Cube Sweeper practice activity, document your robot path and test results in your engineering notebook.

  • Describe and illustrate the path for your robot.
  • How far will your robot need to turn to face the first cube? The second? What measurements did you need to take?
  • What is the first thing that you changed in your project? Why?

See the image on the left for an example of how you can record your design ideas and tests.

Engineering notebook sketch of the Activity Setup. There are arrows drawn to indicate the path of the robot to clear both the red cube at the top left corner and the green cube at the top right corner. Beneath the sketch are numbered steps and "Turn degrees' with a formula and sketch to document turn angles.

Prepare for the Challenge

In Compete (on the next page), you will code your robot to push all 10 cubes off the Field. The fastest time, wins.  Learn how to compete in the challenge, check your understanding, then practice for the challenge. 

Watch this animation to see an example of a BaseBot pushing all 10 cubes off the Field. In the animation, the IQ BaseBot starts in the center at the back of the Field with a timer in the upper right and a score counter in the upper left of the screen. After a countdown from 3, the BaseBot first turns left, moves forward to push the bottom left castle off, then reverses and heads diagonally to push the center and upper right castles off. It then turns right, advances to push the bottom right castle off, and finally turns right again to push the upper left castle off the Field. The score reaches 10 points, and the timer shows approximately 26 seconds.

The goal of this challenge is to push 10 IQ Cubes off the Field in the fastest time.

This animation shows one possible way the robot could move to complete the challenge.

Follow the steps in this document to learn more about how to complete this challenge. Google / .docx / .pdf

Video file

Check your Understanding

Before beginning the challenge, ensure that you understand the rules and setup of the challenge by answering the questions in the document below in your engineering notebook.

Check Your Understanding questions Google / .docx / .pdf

After completing the questions, try practicing the challenge.

Select Next > to compete in the Tower Over Challenge.