Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
CSTA 1A-AP-12: Develop plans that describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.
How Standard is Achieved: Lab 1: Students will plan their project using Coder cards in Play Part 1, then test their project in Play Part 2 to see if the 123 Robot perform the desired action.
Lab 2: In Play Part 1, students will connect the symbols on the 123 Robot and Coder cards. They will practice using those symbols to program 123 Robot behaviors.
Lab 3: In Play Part 2, students will create their own sequence prompts and cards. Students will plan and write down the steps to solve the problem.
Lab 4: In Play Part 2, students will revise an incorrect sequence of Coder cards by observing behaviors of the 123 Robot. Students will then reorder the Coder cards in the correct sequence.
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
CSTA 1A-AP-11: Decompose (break down) the steps needed to solve a problem into a precise sequence of instructions.
How Standard is Achieved: Lab 1: In Play Part 1, the teacher and students will work together to break down a desired action of the 123 Robot into smaller, more manageable instructions. They will create a project plan using Coder cards.
Lab 2: In Play Part 1, students will plan the commands for the 123 Robot by breaking down the desired behaviors into a smaller, more precise set of instructions. They will plan these decomposed steps using the Coder, Coder cards, and the 123 Robot.
Lab 3: In Play Part 1, students will learn how to code their 123 Robot to move in a sequence to create a complex behavior using the 123 Robots and a map. Students will break down the steps needed to code their 123 Robot by planning their route, writing the sequence and coding it into the robot to find a solution.
Lab 4: In the Play sections, students will decompose an incorrect coding sequence in order to identify errors.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.G.A.1: Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
How Standard is Achieved: Lab 1: Throughout the Lab, students will use spatial language to describe how the 123 Robot will need to move to perform the desired action. The students will explain the 123 Robot action and how it needs to move in each step of their project plan, using directional language in their descriptions and to explain their Coder card selection.
Lab 2: In the Play sections, students will use spatial reasoning skills to mentally map how the robot should move. Students will need to use directional words such as turn right, or drive one space in order to communicate to their group how to navigate their robot. They will also take the observations from Play Part 1 and make comparisons between the "Drive 1" and "Drive 4" cards in the Mid-Play Break.
Lab 3: In the Engage section, students will participate in a class demonstration in which they use spatial language to instruct the 123 Robot to move on a class map. Students will be guided to describe how they will code their 123 Robot to move on a map to solve a challenge in the Play sections. In the Mid-Play break and Share sections, students will describe their robot’s path in the Lab challenges using spatial language.
Lab 4: Students will be asked to describe the 123 Robot moves based on the Coder cards in their project during the Play sections.