In the last section, you learned about using autonomous and Driver Control programs to drive your robot. You also learned how to download multiple projects to different slots on the IQ (2nd generation) Brain and how this can be useful. Now, you are going to apply what you have learned to complete the Scoring Skills practice activity.
The goal of this activity is for you to gather data to prepare for the challenge activity on the next page. Watch the video below to see what kinds of data you will be collecting and how you will apply that in your driver skills and in your autonomous projects.
Now it's your turn to complete the Scoring Skills practice activity!
The animation below shows some of the ways to score that you will need to collect data on during the Scoring Skills practice activity. In the animation, an engineering notebook page with a table showing columns for scoring method, time, and notes is to the right of the scoring zone area of a Cube Collector Field. Four different ways to score are shown- moving 1 cube into the scoring zone, moving 2 cubes into the scoring zone, creating a stack 2 cubes tall, and creating a stack three cubes tall. Notes are added to the table for each scoring method.
The Cube Collector competition and Split Decision Challenge use the same scoring where cubes all need to be in the scoring zone and stacking cubes counts for additional points.
Follow the steps in this document to complete this activity. Google Doc / .docx / .pdf
As you complete the Scoring Skills practice activity, document your findings in your engineering notebook.
- Sketch a picture to show the Field setup and plan your projects.
- List the different ways to score points and how long it takes you to complete each action.
- Ensure that you record each scoring method both for driver control and an autonomous run.
View this image for an example of how you can record your results.
Prepare for the Challenge
In Compete (on the next page), you will grab, move and score cubes in the scoring zone as quickly as possible by playing a match with two 30-second runs - one autonomous and one using driver control - in the Split Decision Challenge. Look at the document and animation below to learn how to compete in the Split Decision Challenge. Then complete the Check Your Understanding Questions and practice for the challenge.
Watch this animation below to see an example of how your robot could move in a successful run of the challenge. There are two green and two blue cubes on the Cube Collector Field. The robot drives to pick up and stack a blue cube in the blue scoring area, and then a green cube in the green scoring area. The driver control score is tallied, and the field is reset for the autonomous portion of the challenge.
The robot picks up and stacks a blue cube in the blue scoring area first. Time passes, and the final green cube is stacked onto the two cubes already in the green scoring area. The autonomous score and then the final combined score are tallied.
The goal of this challenge is to grab, move, and score IQ Cubes in their matching scoring zones in two runs - one using autonomous coding, and one using driver control. Each run is 30 seconds long. The highest score, wins!
This is just one example of how a robot could perform in the Split Decision Challenge.
Follow the steps in this document to learn more about how to complete this activity. Google Doc / .docx / .pdf
Check Your Understanding
Before beginning the challenge, ensure that you understand the rules and setup of the challenge by answering the questions in the document below in your engineering notebook.
Check Your Understanding questions Google Doc / .docx / .pdf
After completing the questions, try practicing the challenge.
Select Next > to compete in the Split Decision Challenge.