In this lesson, you learned about using autonomous and Driver Control programs to drive your robot to collect and score cubes and learned how and why to use multiple program slots in VEXcode IQ. You practiced optimizing your strategy for both driver control and autonomous movements, and now you are ready to apply what you've learned to the Split Decision Challenge!
The goal of this challenge is to achieve the highest score by grabbing, moving and scoring cubes in two 30-second runs. One run will be driver control, and the other autonomous. The animation below shows how the Field should be set up, and how the two runs are played and scored. The robot that gets the most total points, wins.
In the animation below, there are two green and two blue cubes on the Cube Collector Field. The robot drives to pick up and stack a blue cube in the blue scoring area, and then a green cube in the green scoring area. The driver control score is tallied, and the field is reset for the autonomous portion of the challenge.
The robot picks up and stacks a blue cube in the blue scoring area first. Time passes, and the final green cube is stacked onto the two cubes already in the green scoring area. The autonomous score and then the final combined score are tallied.
Follow the steps in this document to complete the Split Decision Challenge.
Google Doc / .docx / .pdf
Once you have completed the Split Decision Challenge, check in with your teacher. Ensure you have documented the results of the challenge in your engineering notebook.
Wrap Up Reflection
Now that you have created a strategy and competed in the Split Decision Challenge, it is time to reflect on what you have learned and done in this Lesson. Start a new page in your engineering notebook to begin your reflection.
Rate yourself as a novice, apprentice, or expert on each of the following concepts in your engineering notebook. Provide a brief explanation for why you gave yourself that rating for each concept:
- Applying my knowledge of custom driver control on the IQ (2nd generation) Brain and in VEXcode IQ so that I can drive my robot to get the highest possible score in the Split Decision Challenge
- Planning and executing a project that has my robot complete the Split Decision Challenge autonomously
- Collaborating with my team members to create an overall strategy for the Split Decision Challenge
Use this table to help you determine which category you fall under.
Expert | I feel that I fully understood the concept and could teach this to someone else. |
Apprentice | I feel that I understood the concept enough to compete in the challenge. |
Novice | I feel that I did not understand the concept and do not know how to complete the challenge. |
What is Next?
In this Lesson, you learned about customizing driver control. You practiced developing a strategy for completing activities using driver control and autonomously. Now it is time to compete in the Cube Collector Competition!
In the next Lesson, you will:
- Go over the rules of the competition
- Develop a game strategy
- Compete in the Cube Collector Competition!
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Select Next Lesson > to continue to Lesson 5 and learn how to participate in the Cube Collector Competition!