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ACTS is what the teacher will do and ASKS is how the teacher will facilitate.

  1. Have students close their eyes and raise their hand for which they think will be faster - a race car or a regular car.
  2. Show Lab 3 Slide Show image of a graphic to calculate speed.
  3. Demonstrate the Super Car moving very fast across a table that all students can see.
  1. Have you ever seen a race car either in person or on TV? What do you think is faster- a race car or the car you have at home?
  2. Why do you think the race car is faster? How do we prove something is faster than the other?
  3. How can we find the average speed of our Super Car?

Getting the Students Ready to Build

Let’s find out how to calculate the average speed of our Super Car.

A diagram representing how to calculate the average speed of the Super Car, shows a Super Car to the left, with the front of the car lined up with the starting line. A red line extends from the starting line forward, and is marked 'Distance'. Above an icon of stopwatch is shown, indicating timing. To the right a formula reads Average Speed equals Total Distance over Total time.
Calculate Average Speed


Facilitate the Build

  1. InstructInstruct students to join their group, and have them fill out the Robotics Role & Routines sheet. Use the Suggested Role Responsibilities slide in the Lab Image Slideshow as a guide for students to complete this sheet.
  2. DistributeDistribute pre-built Super Car from the previous Lab, a roll of tape, a measuring device, and a time keeping device to each group. If the Super Car is not already built from the previous Lab, have students build it now.
  3. FacilitateFacilitate as groups set up their trial zone.
    1. Builders can begin measuring 40cm (~16 in) and marking the beginning and end with tape.
    2. Journalists should fill in the data throughout the lab on their Data Collection Sheet.
    3. The teacher will select one student per group to be the time keeper.
  4. OfferOffer suggestions and note positive team building and problem solving strategies.

Teacher Troubleshooting

Facilitation Strategies

  • In the Lab, distance requirements can be adjusted to meet the needs of the classroom.
  • Use the Get Ready...Get VEX...GO! PDF Book and Teacher’s Guide - If students are new to VEX GO, read the PDF book and use the prompts in the Teacher’s Guide (Google / .pptx / .pdf) to facilitate an introduction to building and using VEX GO before beginning the Lab activities. Students can join their groups and gather their VEX GO Kits, and follow along with the building activity within the book as you read.