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Programming a Sequence - VEXcode IQ

Teacher Toolbox icon Teacher Toolbox - The Purpose of this Activity

Programming using the arm and claw allows the robot the ability to complete other tasks instead of just moving forward, backward, left or right. In this activity, students will learn the correct sequence of movements needed to approach, grab, lift, and move an object. The object can be an empty aluminum can or empty water bottle. This activity will prepare students for the Package Dash Challenge, where students will have to grab and move an object around an outlined course. The students will path plan using pseudocode.

For more information about the [Spin for] and [Spin to position] blocks or others used in this activity, visit the Help information within VEXcode IQ. For more information about this built in help tool, click here.

The following is an outline of what your students will do in this activity:

  • Watch the Moving the Arm and Open the Claw tutorial videos.

  • Outline the steps needed to approach, grab, lift, and move an object using pseudocode (Google Doc/.docx/.pdf).

  • Program their sequence that they prepared in pseudocode by using VEXcode IQ.

  • Download, run, and test the project to see if it performs as intended.

Let's program a sequence!

In this activity, you will outline a plan for the sequence of movements that your robot will need to make in order to grab, lift, and move an object.

You will first review two tutorial videos about programming the claw and arm. Then you will identify the correct sequence of steps to approach, grab, and lift an object, and plan that project using pseudocode.
You will then create, download, and run the project using the pseudocode that helped you plan!

  • Make sure you have the hardware required, your engineering notebook, and VEXcode IQ downloaded and ready.

Teacher Tips icon Teacher Tips

If this is the student’s first time using VEXcode IQ, they can reference the Tutorials at any time during this exploration. The Tutorials are located in the toolbar.VEXcode IQ Toolbar with the Tutorials icon called out with a red arrow, to the right of the File menu.

Materials Required:
Quantity Materials Needed

VEX IQ Super Kit


VEXcode IQ


Engineering Notebook


Meter stick or ruler


Clawbot (Drivetrain 2-motor) template example project


Aluminum can or empty water bottle

Teacher Tips icon Teacher Tips

Model each of the troubleshooting steps for the students.

Step 1: Preparing for the Exploration

Before you begin the activity, do you have each of these items ready? The Builder should check each of the following:

Step 2: Start Planning a Path

Before you begin planning the path that your robot will take, first review the Moving the Arm and Open the Claw tutorial videos in VEXcode IQ.VEXcode IQ Toolbar with the Tutorials icon called out in a red box, to the right of the File menu.

  • Moving the Arm Tutorial VideoTutorial video icon reads Moving The Arm at the bottom, and shows a clawbot icon with arrows indicating moving the arm.
  • Open the Claw Tutorial VideoTutorial video icon reads Opening the Claw at the bottom and shows a clawbot icon with arrows indicating opening/closing the claw.

Now, in your engineering notebook, use pseudocode (Google Doc / .docx / .pdf to write the correct sequence of steps to approach, grab, and lift an object like an empty water bottle or aluminum can.Clawbot IQ with the arm down and claw open with a water bottle on the table between the claw.

  • Parts of this problem to keep in mind:
    • First, you will need to measure in millimeters how far away the object is from the robot. You will need this to determine how far forward and in reverse the robot should move.
    • Identify how many degrees the claw will have to open and close depending on its range of motion and how large the object is. For more help, refer to the previous page in the Play section.
      • Hint: Open the Device Menu and see how many degrees the claw will close with the object inside.
    • Identify how far up in degrees the arm will raise to carry the object.
    • When you approach an object, the claw should already be opened. If you approach an object with the claw closed, the closed claw could knock the object over.
    • The robot will also have to grasp the object in its claw, raise the object up, move in reverse to relocate the object, and then place the object back down and release it.

Teacher Tips icon Teacher Tips - Practicing Pseudocode

In case students are unfamiliar with pseudocode (Google Doc/.docx/.pdf) and how it is used in project planning, the provided link explains. A rubric (Google Doc/.docx/.pdf) for reviewing pseudocode can be used and it will be provided again in the Rethink section when students are next asked to write pseudocode. This opportunity to write pseudocode may be thought of as practice for later planning and sharing the pseudocode rubric now can assist in that practice.

Teacher Toolbox icon Teacher Toolbox - Solution

The distance between the object and the robot can vary by student or group. Ensure that the students are measuring the distance before writing their pseudocode.
Note that the first time the claw is opened and then when it is closed to grab an object do not have the same degree measure. Since the claw is closing on an object and should not crush it, the degrees should stop once the claw is wrapped around the object.

The arm should raise far up enough the ground to transport the object effectively.

The correct series of steps that the students will need is the following. The distance measured in this example was 15mm. This could change per student or group:

  • Open the claw 75 degrees.

  • Drive forward 15 mm to approach the object.

  • Close the claw 60 degrees to grab the object.

  • Raise the arm 315 degrees to lift the object.

  • Drive in reverse 15 mm to move the object to a new location.

  • Lower the arm 315 degrees to place the object back down.

  • Open the claw 60 degrees to release the object.

Teacher Tips icon Teacher Tips

  • Since this is a beginning activity with programming, the teacher should model the steps, and then ask the students to complete the same actions. The teacher should then monitor the students to ensure that they are following the steps correctly. 
  • Make sure that the students have selected the Clawbot (Drivetrain2-motor) template.
    • You can point out to the students there are several selections to pick from on the Examples page within VEXcode IQ. As they build and use their robots, they will have a chance to use different templates.
  • You can ask students to add their initials to the project name. This will help differentiate the projects if you ask the students to submit them. 
  • Ensure the students are measuring the distance between the object and their robot in millimeters (mm). 

Step 3: Programming a Sequence

  • Open the Clawbot (Drivetrain 2-motor) template example project.Example project icon reading Clawbot drivetrain 2-motor, indicating which template to choose for this activity.
  • For help opening an example project, view the Use Example Projects and Templates tutorial video in VEXcode IQ Blocks.Tutorial icon reads Use Example Projects and Templates at the bottom, and shows a cursor hovering over an icon.
  • Rename and save the project as 'Sequence'.Project name dialog box in the VEXcode IQ Toolbar. Slot 1 is selected and the project name reads Sequence.
  • For help renaming and saving a project, view the Naming and Saving Your Project tutorial in VEXcode IQ.
  • Now, create your project using your pseudocode. First outline your project using comments to insert your pseudocode. The example shown below is a reference. Degree and distance measurements may be different depending on how far away your object is and its size.VEXcode IQ project plan showing a When started block with 7 Comment blocks attached. In order the comments read Open the claw 75 degrees, Drive forward 15mm to approach the object, Close the claw 60 degrees to grab the object, Raise the arm 315 degrees to lift the object, Drive in reverse 15mm to move the object to a new location, Lower the arm 315 degrees to place the object back down, and Open the claw 60 degrees to release the object.
  • Use the [Drive], [Spin for], and [Spin to position] blocks to create the project based on the pseudocode.

    Don't forget to reset the Arm Motor's position to 0 and to include a 3-second timeout for the Claw Motor.

    Use the image below as an example of how to organize the project. The following project is not complete but you should completely program yours.Building on the previous VEXcode IQ project with blocks added between the comment blocks. To begin the Arm motor position is set to 0 degrees and the clawmotor time out to 3 seconds. Beneath the first comment a Spin for block is added and set to clawmotor open for 75 degrees. Beneath the second commend a Drive for block is set to forward for 15mm. Beneath the 3rd comment a Spin for block is set to clawmotor, close for 60 degrees. Beneath the 4th comment a spin to position block is set to arm motor to position 315 degrees.
  • After your project is complete, predict what it will do. Write your predictions in your engineering notebook.

Step 4: Test the Project!

Now that you have created a project to approach, grab, and lift and object - let's test it!

  • Download and Run your Sequence project. For help, view the Download and Run a Project tutorial video in VEXcode IQ. It will have the following icon: Tutorial icon that reads Download and Run a Project with a download icon and a triangle above.

Did your project run as intended? Write your observations in your engineering notebook comparing your pseudocode to your final project and answer the following questions:

  • Did your project have your robot to grab, lift, and move an object?
  • Why is this sequence of movements important?

Teacher Toolbox icon Teacher Toolbox - Solution

Students' projects will vary depending on the object and how far away it is from the robot. The students should be able to reflect on their pseudocode and the project that was programmed based on the pseudocode. Was an error due to the pseudocode or to the programming? The students should look through the pseudocode to see which step within the project may have been incorrect.

This activity should highlight for students that the sequence of movements is important. If the movements were rearranged in another order, the robot might not pick up and move the object. For example, if the claw was not opened first, the robot may knock the object over when it approaches it.

The following is an example solution:Sample solution code with 15 motion, drivetrain, and comment blocks attached to the When started block. In order, they read, set arm motor position to 0 degrees; set clawmotor timeout to 3 second; Comment - open the claw 75 degrees; spin claw motor open for 75 degrees; comment - drive forward 15mm to approach object; drive forward for 15mm; comment - close the claw 60 degrees to grab the object; spin claw motor close for 60 degrees; comment - raise the arm 315 degrees to lift the object; spin arm motor to position 315 degrees; comment - drive in reverse 15mm to move the object to a new location; drive reverse for 15mm; comment-  lower the arm 315 degrees to place the object back down; spin arm motor to position 0 degrees; comment - open the claw 60 degrees to release the object; spin claw motor open for 60 degrees.

Extend Your Learning icon Extend Your Learning - [Set motor stopping] Block

If students program their robot to lift and carry heavier objects, these objects could drag the arm down because of their weight.

In this case, the [Set motor stopping] block can be used so that the arm does not fall due to gravity and the weight of the object lifted. This block can be used at the beginning of the project and will be applied to all future motor blocks for the rest of the project.Start of the Help information for the Set motor stopping block. The block is shown with parameters set to claw motor stopping to brake, and the text reads Sets the behavior of the VEX IQ Smart Motor once it stops moving.

The [Set motor stopping] block has three settings:

  • Brake causes the Motor to come to an immediate stop.
  • Coast lets the Motor spin gradually to a stop.
  • Hold causes the Motor to come to an immediate stop and returns it to its stopped position if moved.