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Build the Testbed

Follow along with the build instructions to build the Testbed.

Open and follow the steps to build the VEX IQ Testbed Google Doc / .pptx / .pdf

VEX IQ Testbed showing sensors attached to the Brain.

Build Instruction Tips

  • All Steps: There is important information about which parts are needed for the step above the partition line. The number below the image of a part is the number of that part required in the step. There may be dimension information below the part to help identify which size to use.
  • Step 1: Count all pieces before starting your build, including sensors and motors.
  • Step 5 and 13: Flip the build over to add the blue connector pins as shown.
  • Steps 21–23: These steps show you how to put together a single motor sensor group. You will build 4 of these in total.