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Practice for the Vision Data Challenge

VEXcode IQ Take snapshot block set to REDBOX with an arrow pointing down to show the snapshot taken of a hand holding a red cube with the cube identified as REDBOX and the x, y, width, and height data shown.

Add the missing values below in your engineering notebook.

Here are the provided data from the snapshot:

  • X = 50
  • Y = 36
  • W = 152
  • H = 150

Vision Sensor blocks shown to the left with incomplete data reported to the right based on the snapshot above. Object exists reports as True, object count and object center x have ?, object center y reads 11, object width is ?, and object height reads 150.

  1. Is the REDBOX to the left or to the right of the robot's center point?
  2. Is the REDBOX higher or lower than the robot's center point?