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Now that you have learned about coding Striker and practiced building an autonomous project to score points on the Over Under Field, it is time to compete in an Autonomous Coding Skills Match! 

The goal of this timed trial challenge is to code your robot to score as many points as possible. Use the Game Manual to answer any questions that arise, including the starting location of the robot or how to score the items on the Field.

Image of the game field with proper setup, ready for a match

Once you have completed an Autonomous Coding Skills Match, check in with your teacher. Ensure you have documented the results of the match in your engineering notebook.

What is Next?

In this Lesson, you learned about coding Striker to autonomously score points, and participated in an Autonomous Coding Skills Match. 

In the next Lesson, you will: 

  • Learn about each of the sensors on Striker
  • Compete in Robot Skills!

image of the Striker robot with its sensors highlighted

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Select Next Lesson > to continue to Lesson 4, and learn about the sensors on Striker.